is an R package that provides functions to fit
hydro and thermal time germination models. These models characterize
seed lots by two sets of parameters: (i) the physiological thresholds
(water, temperature) between which the seed lot can germinate, and (ii)
the physiological-time units that the seed lot needs to accumulate
before it can germinate. seedr
fits the hydro time model of
Bradford (Gummerson 1986, Bradford 1990, Bewley et al. 2013) and the
thermal time model of Garcia-Huidobro (Garcia-Huidobro et al. 1982,
Gummerson 1986, Bewley et al. 2013). It allows to fit models to grouped
datasets, i.e. datasets containing multiple species, seedlots or
Install the last version of seedr
from GitHub by running
the following code in your R session. Note that you will need to install
the package devtools
if you don’t have it already:
To operate seedr
you need just one function:
, a wrapper function that formats your data and
fits a hydro/thermal time model. In this vignette, first we will see the
basic operations behind physiotime()
, and then we will see
how to use physiotime()
The first step of a seedr
analysis is processed by the
function, which will create a
physiodata object storing the germination data in a format
adequate for subsequent steps. Importantly, the physiodata can
be used for basic visualization of your germination data.
Let’s say you have imported your data into R and saved it into a
data.frame object called centaury
, which looks like
head(centaury, 3)
#> species population temperature dish times germinated germinable
#> 1 Centaurium somedanum La Malva 20 A1 1 0 22
#> 2 Centaurium somedanum La Malva 20 A1 2 0 22
#> 3 Centaurium somedanum La Malva 20 A1 3 0 22
In your data, each column must be a variable and each row a record. Important: for each germination scoring time, you need to record the number of seeds that germinated at that time, not the cumulative germination count since the start of the experiment.
Now, you can transform your data.frame to a physiodata object like this:
cent <- physiodata(d = centaury, # the name of your data object
t = "times", # the column with the scoring times
x = "temperature", # the column with the experimental treatment,
g = "germinated", # the column with the number of germinated seeds,
pg = "germinable") # the column with the total number of viable seeds
You can use summary()
on your physiodata object
to get a table in which you will see, for each treatment, the final
germination proportions (with 95% binomial confidence interval) and the
median germination rate (i.e., the inverse of the time taken for 50%
germination, 1/t50):
#> treatment time germination.mean germination.lower germination.upper
#> <num> <int> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 0.0 28 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.07707356
#> 2: 3.0 28 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.07707356
#> 3: 4.4 28 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.08029560
#> 4: 5.8 28 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.07410013
#> 5: 7.3 28 0.2391304 0.1391218 0.37935139
#> 6: 8.7 28 0.7083333 0.5682074 0.81758421
#> 7: 10.1 28 0.8888889 0.7650090 0.95159528
#> 8: 11.5 28 0.9583333 0.8602434 0.98849811
#> 9: 12.9 28 0.9347826 0.8249726 0.97757214
#> 10: 14.3 28 0.9795918 0.8930648 0.99638833
#> 11: 15.8 28 0.9591837 0.8628697 0.98873437
#> 12: 17.2 28 0.9800000 0.8950456 0.99646074
#> 13: 18.6 28 1.0000000 0.9273022 1.00000000
#> 14: 20.0 28 0.9333333 0.8214340 0.97706797
#> 15: 25.0 28 0.2380952 0.1348096 0.38527544
#> 16: 30.0 28 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.07555760
#> r50
#> <num>
#> 1: NA
#> 2: NA
#> 3: NA
#> 4: NA
#> 5: NA
#> 6: 0.04823151
#> 7: 0.06282723
#> 8: 0.07511737
#> 9: 0.08095238
#> 10: 0.10600707
#> 11: 0.12435233
#> 12: 0.13559322
#> 13: 0.14555256
#> 14: 0.14448669
#> 15: NA
#> 16: NA
Using plot()
on your physiodata object will
produce a plot of the cumulative germination curves:
And using barplot()
on your physiodata object
will produce a plot of the final germination proportions and the median
germination rate:
The example we have seen so far was about a single-group dataset,
this is, a dataset about one experiment with one seedlot of one species.
If your data has several groups (for example, several species,
populations, or treatments of stratification), you must group your data
with the groups
argument of physiodata()
Also, if the column names in your dataset are the same as the default
ones we defined, you don’t need to indicate them in the call to
grass <- physiodata(grasses,
x = "psi", # in this dataset the treatment is water potential
groups = "species") # this dataset has two different species
As long as you are working with a single-group dataset, you can fit
Bradford’s hydrotime model (Gummerson 1986, Bradford 1990, Bewley et
al. 2013) to your physiodata object using the function
anisantha <- physiodata(subset(grasses, species == "Anisantha rubens"), # select only one species
x = "psi")
b <- bradford(anisantha$proportions) # bradford() uses the $proportions element within the physiodata object
#> Bradford's hydrotime model
#> Water potential levels in experiment: -1.6 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0
#> Theta - Hydrotime constant: 50.54
#> Psib50 - Base water potential (median): -1.59
#> Sigma of the base water potential: 0.4
#> R2: 0.94
The result is a bradford object, which can be plotted using
Likewise, you can fit Garcia-Huidobro’s thermal time model
(Garcia-Huidobro et al. 1982, Gummerson 1986, Bewley et al. 2013) to
your single-group physiodata object using the function
malva <- physiodata(subset(centaury, population == "La Malva"), # select only one population
x = "temperature")
h <- huidobro(malva$proportions) # huidobro() uses the $proportions element within the physiodata object
#> Garcia-Huidobro's thermal time model
#> Suboptimal temperature levels in experiment: 8.7 10.1 11.5 12.9 14.3 15.8 17.2 18.6
#> Supraoptimal temperature levels in experiment: 20 25
#> Tb - Base temperature: 5.2
#> To - Optimal temperature: 18.6
#> Tc - Ceiling temperature: 54.3
#> theta50 1 - Suboptimal thermal time (median): 33.52
#> Sigma of the suboptimal thermal time: 111.42
#> R2 of the suboptimal model: 0.39
#> theta50 2 - Supraoptimal thermal time (median): 449.8
#> Sigma of the supraoptimal thermal time: 460.87
#> R2 of the supraoptimal model: 0.23
The result is a huidobro object, which can be plotted using
functionAs we said at the beginning, physiotime()
is the basic
function of seedr
, and the only one you need to know for
common usage of the package. physiotime()
allows to
centralize the operations described in the previous sections. It creates
your physiodata object, divides it in the groups
you indicate, and fits the model named in its method
m <- physiotime(d = centaury, # the name of your data object
t = "times", # the column with the scoring times
x = "temperature", # the column with the experimental treatment,
g = "germinated", # the column with the number of germinated seeds,
pg = "germinable", # the column with the total number of viable seeds
groups = c("species", "population"), # the columns with grouping variables
method = "huidobro") # the model to fit, in this case a thermal time model
#> A list of physiological time germination models
#> calculated for the following 2 groups:
#> species: Centaurium somedanum population: La Malva
#> Garcia-Huidobro's thermal time model
#> Suboptimal temperature levels in experiment: 8.7 10.1 11.5 12.9 14.3 15.8 17.2 18.6
#> Supraoptimal temperature levels in experiment: 20 25
#> Tb - Base temperature: 5.2
#> To - Optimal temperature: 18.6
#> Tc - Ceiling temperature: 54.3
#> theta50 1 - Suboptimal thermal time (median): 33.52
#> Sigma of the suboptimal thermal time: 111.42
#> R2 of the suboptimal model: 0.39
#> theta50 2 - Supraoptimal thermal time (median): 449.8
#> Sigma of the supraoptimal thermal time: 460.87
#> R2 of the supraoptimal model: 0.23
#> species: Centaurium somedanum population: Malconcecho
#> Garcia-Huidobro's thermal time model
#> Suboptimal temperature levels in experiment: 7.3 8.7 10.1 11.5 12.9 14.3 15.8 17.2
#> Supraoptimal temperature levels in experiment: 18.6 20 25
#> Tb - Base temperature: 4
#> To - Optimal temperature: 17.5
#> Tc - Ceiling temperature: 32.4
#> theta50 1 - Suboptimal thermal time (median): 1.23
#> Sigma of the suboptimal thermal time: 155.22
#> R2 of the suboptimal model: 0.44
#> theta50 2 - Supraoptimal thermal time (median): 165.63
#> Sigma of the supraoptimal thermal time: 93.27
#> R2 of the supraoptimal model: 0.73
can accept further arguments to tune the
fitting of the thermal time model, but generally you don’t need to touch
these. You can read more about these extra arguments by running
in R.
The result of physiotime()
is a physiotime
object. Using summary()
on this object, you obtain a table
of the fitted model parameters, which is easy to export for further
#> species population method n.treatments.sub n.treatments.sup
#> <fctr> <fctr> <char> <int> <int>
#> 1: Centaurium somedanum La Malva huidobro 8 2
#> 2: Centaurium somedanum Malconcecho huidobro 8 3
#> Tb To Tc theta50.sub sigma.sub R2.sub theta50.sup
#> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 5.179545 18.60158 54.26304 33.515734 111.4167 0.3923164 449.7998
#> 2: 3.998373 17.49968 32.44445 1.227839 155.2173 0.4381888 165.6308
#> sigma.sup R2.sup
#> <num> <num>
#> 1: 460.86702 0.2342135
#> 2: 93.27052 0.7294838
Likewise, plot()
will plot the fitted models:
If you encounter a clear bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on GitHub.